Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Child care and education is available for new born and toddlers in all our services. Children are a gift from God. We take great care in ensuring our new borns and toddlers are experiencing God's love in a safe and clean environment. You will find our nursery and toddler areas as you enter the building. We ensure safety through a check-in process to ensure communication with you and your child during our services.
Child care is provided on Wednesday nights following the evening meal.
Child care is provided on Wednesday nights following the evening meal.

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School is available for all ages. Care and education is also available for our babies and toddlers up to age five.
Our worship service is a mix of contemporary and beloved hymns. We spend time in prayer and participate in communion weekly. Our pastor leads us in the study of Scripture. We also provide an exciting and dynamic time of worship for our children. A nursery is available for babies and toddlers up to the age of five. Teknon is for our elementary students from six years up to twelve.