She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
FCC Christian Women’s Council is to provide spiritual and natural support of the church through instruction and training of women both the “seasoned saint” and of those who are ” babes in Christ”; to promote love of God, love mankind, love of the work of the Lord; to promote a spirit of oneness, to promote individual and collective spiritual stability, for greater effectiveness in women’s work, for the spiritual growth of each woman in particular, and for the natural and spiritual growth of the church in general. Inspire, encourage, and support one another in love and unity.
FCC Women's Council
Women's Council meets once a month on the first Monday of every month. Every lady is welcome to come. The Women’s Ministry of First Christian Church exists to build a community of godly women. Helping them to grow spiritually Some of the other activities are: women’s conferences, luncheons, service projects, fund raisers and trips.
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