June 1st, 2022
The Upward Look, by Jon Forrest
The Value of a Rock
Back when the Old West was being settled, pioneers flocked across the country to California and Oregon. In one particular spot on the Eastern slopes of the Rockies there was a large, dirt covered rock protruding in the middle of the trail. Wagon wheels were broken on it and men tripped over it. Finally someone dug up the odd stone and rolled it off trail into a nearby stream. The stream was too wide to jump over, but people used the stone as a step to cross the cold creek. It was used for years, until finally one settler built his cabin near the stream. He moved the odd stone out of the stream and placed it in his cabin to serve as a doorstop.
As years passed, railroads were built and towns sprang up. The old settler’s grandson went East to study geology. On a visit to his grandfather’s cabin, the grandson happened to examine the old lump of stone and discovered within that lump of dirt and rock was the largest pure gold nugget ever discovered on the Eastern slope of the Rockies. It had been there for three generations, and people never recognized its value. To some it was a stumbling stone to be removed. To others it was a stepping-stone, and to others it was just a heavy rock. But only the grandson saw it for what it really was--a lump of pure gold.
Jesus is the precious rock God has given us to be the both the cornerstone and the capstone of our lives. Many people see him as a good teacher. Others as a prophet and some as a fake. But the truth is that Jesus is the valuable rock upon which the house of your life must be built if you want it to stand for eternity. He is much more valuable than anyone could ever know until he becomes their Lord and Savior. See him for who he is.
This Sunday is Pioneer Sunday for First Christian Church. A great local country music band called the Curry County Outlaws will present a mini concert for our service. We encourage you to dress in wester or old-fashioned garb for the service. We will take a love offering for the band. I will bring a message titled Pioneers Wanted based on Philippians 1:12-26. Come and enjoy the day of worship.
Standing on the Rock,
The Value of a Rock
Back when the Old West was being settled, pioneers flocked across the country to California and Oregon. In one particular spot on the Eastern slopes of the Rockies there was a large, dirt covered rock protruding in the middle of the trail. Wagon wheels were broken on it and men tripped over it. Finally someone dug up the odd stone and rolled it off trail into a nearby stream. The stream was too wide to jump over, but people used the stone as a step to cross the cold creek. It was used for years, until finally one settler built his cabin near the stream. He moved the odd stone out of the stream and placed it in his cabin to serve as a doorstop.
As years passed, railroads were built and towns sprang up. The old settler’s grandson went East to study geology. On a visit to his grandfather’s cabin, the grandson happened to examine the old lump of stone and discovered within that lump of dirt and rock was the largest pure gold nugget ever discovered on the Eastern slope of the Rockies. It had been there for three generations, and people never recognized its value. To some it was a stumbling stone to be removed. To others it was a stepping-stone, and to others it was just a heavy rock. But only the grandson saw it for what it really was--a lump of pure gold.
Jesus is the precious rock God has given us to be the both the cornerstone and the capstone of our lives. Many people see him as a good teacher. Others as a prophet and some as a fake. But the truth is that Jesus is the valuable rock upon which the house of your life must be built if you want it to stand for eternity. He is much more valuable than anyone could ever know until he becomes their Lord and Savior. See him for who he is.
This Sunday is Pioneer Sunday for First Christian Church. A great local country music band called the Curry County Outlaws will present a mini concert for our service. We encourage you to dress in wester or old-fashioned garb for the service. We will take a love offering for the band. I will bring a message titled Pioneers Wanted based on Philippians 1:12-26. Come and enjoy the day of worship.
Standing on the Rock,
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