March 11th, 2025
The Upward Look, by Jon Forrest
A new homeowner’s riding lawn mower had broken down, and he had been working fruitlessly for two hours trying to get it back together. Suddenly, one of his neighbors appeared with a handful of tools. “Can I give some help?” he asked.
In twenty minutes he had the mower functioning beautifully.
“Thanks a million,” the now-happy newcomer said.
“And say, what do you make with such fine tools?”
“Mostly friends,” the neighbor smiled. “I’m available any time.”
If you want to have a thriving business that draws customers from all over, make sure that, no matter your prices, have phenomenal service. Even though Jesus Christ was the Son of God and equal to God and had the right to expect everyone to serve him, he came into the world in the form of a humble servant. He drew people to him because he wasn’t out to get others to do for him, but rather, he was out to serve everyone.
The religious leaders of his time thought themselves to be too good and too righteous to serve others. In fact, they thought themselves to be worthy of everyone else’s service.
Human nature wants to be served, but godly nature wants to serve others. When we put on the nature of Christ and allow his Holy Spirit to make us more like him, one area where it will be expressed will be in service to others.
Jesus said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35b) The Christ-like disciple will see the world as Jesus inverted it; Service to all before allowing others to serve me.
This Sunday we will continue our series on Holy Stories with a message called Are You Ready? based on Christ's parable in Luke 12:35-48. We will look at what it means to look forward to Christ’s return.
Yours and Christ’s fellow servant,
A new homeowner’s riding lawn mower had broken down, and he had been working fruitlessly for two hours trying to get it back together. Suddenly, one of his neighbors appeared with a handful of tools. “Can I give some help?” he asked.
In twenty minutes he had the mower functioning beautifully.
“Thanks a million,” the now-happy newcomer said.
“And say, what do you make with such fine tools?”
“Mostly friends,” the neighbor smiled. “I’m available any time.”
If you want to have a thriving business that draws customers from all over, make sure that, no matter your prices, have phenomenal service. Even though Jesus Christ was the Son of God and equal to God and had the right to expect everyone to serve him, he came into the world in the form of a humble servant. He drew people to him because he wasn’t out to get others to do for him, but rather, he was out to serve everyone.
The religious leaders of his time thought themselves to be too good and too righteous to serve others. In fact, they thought themselves to be worthy of everyone else’s service.
Human nature wants to be served, but godly nature wants to serve others. When we put on the nature of Christ and allow his Holy Spirit to make us more like him, one area where it will be expressed will be in service to others.
Jesus said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35b) The Christ-like disciple will see the world as Jesus inverted it; Service to all before allowing others to serve me.
This Sunday we will continue our series on Holy Stories with a message called Are You Ready? based on Christ's parable in Luke 12:35-48. We will look at what it means to look forward to Christ’s return.
Yours and Christ’s fellow servant,
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